Ex-works, ex-factory, ex-warehouse, ex-mill.
The seller has fulfilled his delivery obligation by putting the merchandise in his factory, workshop, etc. at the buyer's disposal. It is not responsible neither for loading the merchandise in the vehicle provided by the buyer nor for dispatching it from customs for export, unless otherwise agreed. The buyer bears all costs and risks of removing the merchandise from the seller's home to its final destination.

Free carrier (Franco Transportista - libre transportista).
The seller fulfills his obligation by placing the merchandise in the fixed place, at the expense of the carrier, after its customs clearance for export. If the buyer has not set any specific point, the seller can choose within the stipulated area the point where the carrier will take charge of the merchandise. This term can be used with any mode of transport, including multimodal.

(Free alongside ship - Libre al costado del buque).
The abbreviation is followed by the name of the port of embarkation. The price of the merchandise is understood to be placed along the side (side) of the ship in the port agreed, on the dock or in barges, with all the expenses and risks up to that point in charge of the seller. The buyer must clear the merchandise at customs. This term can only be used for transport by sea or inland waterways.

(Free on Board - Libre a bordo).
It is followed by the port of embarkation, ex. F.O.B. Buenos Aires. It means that the merchandise is placed on board the ship with all expenses, rights and risks borne by the seller until the merchandise has passed the ship's rail, with the freight excluded. Requires that the seller dispatch the export merchandise. This term may only be used for transport by sea or inland waterways.

(Cost & Freight - Costo y Flete).
The abbreviation is followed by the name of the destination port. The price includes the merchandise placed in port of destination, freight paid but insurance not covered. The seller must clear the merchandise in Customs and can only be used in the case of transport by sea or inland waterways

(Cost, Insurance & Freight - Costo, Seguro y Flete)
The abbreviation is followed by the name of the port of destination and the price includes the goods placed at the port of destination with freight paid and insurance covered. The seller hires the insurance and pays the corresponding premium. The seller is only required to obtain insurance with minimum coverage.

(Carriage paid to -Transporte Pagado Hasta)
The seller pays the freight for transporting the merchandise to the aforementioned destination. The risk of loss or damage is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the merchandise has been delivered to the carrier. The seller must clear the merchandise for export.

(Carriage and Insurance Paid to - Transporte y Seguro pagados hasta)
The seller has the same obligations as under CPT, but must also get insurance at his expense.

(Delivered at Frontier - Entregado en frontera)
The seller fulfills his obligation when he delivers the merchandise, cleared at customs, at the agreed place of the border but before the border customs of the neighboring country. It is essential to indicate precisely the point of the corresponding border.

(Delivered ex Ship - Entregada sobre buque)
The seller fulfills his obligation when he puts the merchandise at the disposal of the buyer on board the ship at the port of destination, without clearing it at customs for importation.

[Delivered ex Quay (Duty Paid) - Entregada en muelle (derechos pagados)]
The seller fulfills his obligation when he puts the merchandise at the disposal of the buyer on the dock at the port of destination agreed upon, cleared at customs for importation.

(Delivered Duty Unpaid - Entregada derechos no pagados)
El vendedor cumple con su obligación cuando pone la mercadería a disposición del comprador en el lugar convenido en el país de importación. El vendedor asume todos los gastos y los riesgos relacionados con la entrega de la mercadería hasta ese sitio

(Delivered Duty Paid - Entregada derechos pagados)
El vendedor asume las mismas obligaciones que en D.D.U. más derechos, impuestos y cargas necesarios para llevar a cabo la mercadería hasta el lugar convenido.